
Melissa Ballet Heel in nude

In the end of October, 2022 I was reading Tea and Marcarons' blog when I saw this very post. Ana always post her new items, she has a great taste and see her acquisitions is always inspiring. Her text was about Melissa Ballet Heel shoes, and it was such a versatil and wonderful item! Imagine my surprise when I found out in the of the post she was selling a pair and it was my size!

At the beginning I was unsure if I bought or not because of the heels size. I decided I would give it a try and if it was too high, I would sell it. However, it was not necessary. The shoes were perfect and confortable!

I didn't record/take pictures unboxing .  The box was so whimsically packed, it came with some gifts and a lovely letter. I took the pictures today and I'm sure I've received more gifts than what I shoot, but I couldn't remember what were them since I've already mixed them with my other items.

The shoes are described as nude, but it's a light pink with a golden glow we can't see by photos. 

The lace details are missing, but they don't look necessary to me

Some of the gifts and the letter

I'm very happy with my purchase. I want to try some classic outfits and the shoes are perfect for what I have on mind.

The socks I'm using are offbrand, from Daiso, and gifts from my friend Tainá. It looks like it was designed for those shoes

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