
Wearing to vote 13

Hello, how are you doing? Brazil is in election period, and unfortunately we are having a second round. I wish it was resolved at the first one, so I wouldn't have to go again during a lazy Sunday and take a long line to vote. During the first round the sun was really strong. Yeah, I know, I need a parasol. 

I wish Lula win this election. Brazil is in need of someone but the current president. 

I felt really sad when I saw the results of first round because a bit more than 51 million of Brazilians voted to the current president. Even with all scandals involving his name

I'm a bit scared of wearing red during election since the opposition is attacking people that support the political party PT. They are even m*rdering those people.

Let's see how it goes. 

PS: In the end, I didn't take a picture of my outfit. I might wear it again, so I can show more than just my face.

3 comentários:

  1. Respostas
    1. Vai dá petê, vai dá, vai dá petê, vai dá...

  2. Muito feliz de ver esse post fofo e político ♡ Achei lindas suas unhas de morango!

    E ainda bem que deu Lula! Vamos ver se os próximos 4 anos vão ser melhores que esses últimos 4 horríveis foram ;)


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